Monday April 6 2020 Socials 10 Syllabus & Class Updates!
Hello everyone!! Welcome!
The Revolution (of school) is here! I can't wait to dive in with you.
Firstly, I hope that all of you are safe and sound during this time of local, domestic and global change and transition. I promise to have some really amazing things for you to participate in during this historic time.
For this week please don't worry about getting loads and loads of work done for Socials 10. Slow and steady. First things first - we need to all get set up and all gain access to our new virtual classroom :) Office 365 Teams!
First Goal: This week the goal for us re: Socials 10 is to: check in and connect.
I will be reaching out to all of you and your parents directly Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Also - great news!!!
Your homework for this week :)
1. To make sure that you can login to your Office 365 account at home. If, for some reason, you cannot login to your Office 365 account from home please email me direct at so that I can work with our tech admin's to get you all sorted.
2. Once you are into your 365 account - you should see a 'Teams' icon. Please make sure you can access Teams in 365. I have created a class account for Socials 10 - The teams icon is on the far right in the image below :)
Ms. Hathorn
The Revolution (of school) is here! I can't wait to dive in with you.
Firstly, I hope that all of you are safe and sound during this time of local, domestic and global change and transition. I promise to have some really amazing things for you to participate in during this historic time.
For this week please don't worry about getting loads and loads of work done for Socials 10. Slow and steady. First things first - we need to all get set up and all gain access to our new virtual classroom :) Office 365 Teams!
First Goal: This week the goal for us re: Socials 10 is to: check in and connect.
I will be reaching out to all of you and your parents directly Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Also - great news!!!
Mr. Wilson is activating the Office 365 student email accounts today!!!! So you will now have your very own RSS Office 365 email account!!!
- This will give me, your teacher, the ability to provide feedback on assignments since your new email address is part of the 365 system!
- I can also easily email you updates and invite you to our live streamed TEAMS classes for future!
Once Mr. Wilson finishing setting up these accounts up and checks to see what features are enabled for students, the tech team will be able to send out some more information which I can pass to you over the coming days :)
Your homework for this week :)
1. To make sure that you can login to your Office 365 account at home. If, for some reason, you cannot login to your Office 365 account from home please email me direct at so that I can work with our tech admin's to get you all sorted.
2. Once you are into your 365 account - you should see a 'Teams' icon. Please make sure you can access Teams in 365. I have created a class account for Socials 10 - The teams icon is on the far right in the image below :)
3. Once you are in 'Teams' you should see our class Team that I have added you to :) Social Studies 10
4. Once inside 365 please click on our 'Class Team' (icon as above) and have a peek around. You will notice that there are various 'Channels' such as 'General' and 'Discussion' on the far left side. You will also notice - at the top middle - there are various tabs - such as 'Posts,' 'Files,' 'Class Notebook,' 'Assignments' and 'Grades'
I will also soon be adding 'Group Channels' - left side - as I will be placing you all in groups of 5-6 for future group work and group lessons moving forwards.
Re: The middle tabs. We will primarily be utilizing - Posts, Files, Class Notebook and Assignments. The Grades section is more for assignment completion confirmation - so don't worry about that section really as of yet.
How this class will work (for the foreseeable future):
- For now, I will using our already existing class blog as a first port of call for classwork and homework instructions. Be sure to check the blog at the start of each week day.
- Classwork and homework will be housed in Office 365 teams. I will be adding links to this work to the blog of course - however, you will still need to access the work, files, live classes etc via Teams for the time being.
- Submission of work - please DO NOT email me your work - I have 50+ students and that is a lot of emails lol. I will be creating for you - via the 'Class Notebook' section in Teams - your very own 'Student Notebook' for this class where you will be able to upload your future assignments and receive feedback on these assignments :)
Class Content - has our original class syllabus changed a bit? Yup! You betcha.
Please note - the below remainder of semester outline is subject to change - but here is the general plan :)
April - Unit 2: Feast, Famine, Fire
The Roaring 20’s: Aftermath of WW1, Boom and Bust Cycles
The Dirty 30’s: Dealing with the Great Depression
Unit Question: How do the above topics relate to the present time?
Assessment Test: Unit 1 & 2 Livestream via Teams - Discussion Based Assessment (vs. Formal Test).
Project: Depression Garden Design
May - Unit 3
The Fighting 40’s: Canada and WW2
Canada in the Postwar Era 1945-1967
The Cold War
Assessment Test: Livestream via Teams - Discussion Based Assessment (vs. Formal Test).
Project Continued: Using Depression Garden Design Re: Implementing Project 'RSS Soldiers of the Soil/Victory Garden' - Set Up & Presentation.
June - Unit 4
Canada in the Modern Era
The World Stage: Global Demographics/Global Environmental Change/Global Economics
Assessment: Livestream via Teams - Discussion Based Assessment & Final Expository Essay (Powerpoint/Prezi/Video Options).
Project Completion: RSS Soldiers of the Soil/Victory Garden Review.
Whew - think that's it for now. I look forward to connecting with all of you in the coming days!
Chat soon!
Ms. Hathorn
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